Road Racing
Race Train Fun Friendship
Contact Richard McGillivray on 0468 938 982 or further information.
Road races are held in WA predominantly in close proximity to the Metro area or in regional towns area between May and October each year
Collie, Goldfields, Collie-Donnybrook, York, Peel, Beverley and Chidlow
Grades & Distances
Below is an example of distances for a typical Chidlow Road Race
A Grade Men 89km 5 laps
B Grade Men (inclusive of U17) 71km 4 laps
A Grade Women 71km 4 laps
C Grade Men53km 3 laps
B Grade Women (inclusive of U17) 53km 3 laps
D Grade Men* (inclusive of U15) 41km 2.5 laps
C Grade Women (inclusive of U15) 35km 2 laps
D Grade Women (inclusive of U15) 35km 2 laps
E Grade Men 25km 1.5laps
E Grade Women 17.8km1 lap9.25am
Under 13's 17.8km1 lap
Under 11s (if sufficient numbers) 8km 0.45 laps