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Race   Train   Fun   Friendship

Tuesday Training Rides

Two training sessions are operated on Tuesdays. One at 6:00 am and another at 5:00 pm.


Tuesday Morning River Loop

Group riding focusing on roll through and paceline riding at race pace.

Time: 6:00 am to 7:15 am

Where: Canning Beach Road Carpark opposite Raffles Hotel.

Route: Perth River Loop

Distance: 45 km

Coffee: Afterwards at Nic and Kolo in Applecross


  • A Group  >38 km/hr 45 km

  • B Group  >35 km/hr 45 km


















Kings Park Club Training

Group riding, skills training, hill repeats, efforts, sprinting.

Time: 5:00 pm to 6:00pm

Where: Meet at DNA Tower off Forrest Drive Kings Park, Perth

Route: Kings Park

Distance: 20 to 30 km


Suitable for junior / beginners through to experienced riders looking for skills training, intervals and hill repeats.














Wednesday Training Rides

Two training sessions are operated on Wednesdays. Road training at 6:00 am and track training at 5:00 pm or 6.30 pm depending on skill and experience.


Wednesday Morning Shelley River Loop

Focus on Team time Trial and is for stronger riders.

Time: 6:00 am to 7:15 am

Where: Corner of Webb Street and Bull Creek Drive.

Route: Shelly River Loop

Distance: 45 km

Coffee: Afterwards at Nic and Kolo in Applecross


  • A Group >35 km/hr 45 km













Wednesday Evening Track

Indoor Track training at the Speed Dome

Time: 5:00 pm or 6:30 pm depending on skill and experience

Where: Speed Dome Midvale

5 pm to 6:15 pm U/13 juniors and beginners

6:30 pm to 8:30 pm U15 upwards and experienced riders.


These sessions start with a 40 lap paced warmup followed by targeted sessions for groups A, B and C catering for all levels of ability.


These sessions are open to anyone with an AusCycling license.














Thursday Morning River Loop

Group riding focusing on roll through and paceline riding at race pace.

Time: 6:00 am to 7:15 am

Where: Canning Beach Road Carpark opposite Raffles Hotel.

Route: Perth River Loop

Distance: 45 km

Coffee: Afterwards at Nic and Kolo in Applecross


  • Main 1 32-35 km/hr 45 km

  • Fast 1 >35 km/hr 45 km












Saturday Training Rides

Two training sessions are conducted on Saturday. One at 5:30 am and the next at 7:00 am.


Saturday Morning Early Ride

Group riding focusing on roll through and paceline riding at race pace.

Time: 5:30 am to 6:30 am

Where: Meet at base of Bell Tower Elizabeth Quay.

Route: Perth River Loop

Distance: 45 km

Pace: Fast 1 > 35 km/hr 45 km













Saturday Morning Club Ride

Main MCC social club ride, with multiple ability levels and suitable for a range of ages.

Time: 7:00 am to 8:30 am

What: Group riding

Where: The Saturday ride for all grades/levels meets in the jet ski car park at the narrows south Perth side at 7 am

Route: Perth River Loop

Distance: 30 to 45 km

Coffee: Afterwards at Nic and Kolo in Applecross


  • Juniors 18-21 30 km

  • Transitional 22-25 40 km

  • Main 2 25-28 45 km

  • Main 1 32-35 45 km












Sunday Rides

Sunday is generally race day. If racing is not on, a road "hills" training session will usually be conducted.

Sunday Morning Hills Ride

Time: Varies but usually starts around 6:30 am to 8:30 am

Where: Meet location varies – discuss with Ride Leaders.

Route: Perth Hills

Distance: 50 km or more depending on which group

Coffee: Selected by Ride Leader

Contact Lachlan McCrea 0418 950 555 for further information.

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© 2022 by Midland Cycle Club Inc.

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